Update from the Principal
Dear Parents,
Thank you to parents for attending the Year 6/7 transition event this week presented by Ms Stephanie. It is a good time to plan ahead and reassure the students of the move between Primary and Secondary. Following this, we have a transition morning next Thursday across the school.
We have enjoyed our splash days this week for EYFS, KS1, LKS2, UKS2 and the KS3 swim gala, a great week to get involved in swimming and promoting a healthy lifestyle. To see the progress of all students has been fantastic!

Thank you to Mr Phil for organising our first ‘stargazing’ event, a fascinating opportunity for our students at school and one that we believe will gather more interest in the future! – amazing photos, an introduction to stargazing and a fun-filled evening for everyone.
Thank you to Mr Chris for putting together another great sporting occasion with the KS2 Girls football event on Monday. It is always great to see everyone supporting our students with interests across all aspects of school from performing to sport!
Congratulations to our Early Years Department who have been awarded ‘Early Years School of the Year’ at the Powerlist awards gala dinner held at the InterContinental hotel on Tuesday. Well done to the entire team for an amazing achievement. Fully deserved with your hard work, commitment and innovative approach to providing the best possible environment for our students to learn in.

As we approach the summer, the weather is warmer and I like to remind all members of the community to stay hydrated, so please drink plenty of water. Also, wear a hat if needed and take precautions if you are out and about in the sun either in school or beyond with sunscreen. We want everyone to be as safe and as healthy as possible, especially as the temperature rises in the coming weeks.
We aim to ensure that the final 3 weeks of term are calm, organised and as smooth as possible throughout until we finish on Thursday 27th June (a 12-noon finish for everyone). For those of you planning to travel after the Eid holiday, please remember the first key dates for the next school year:
Sunday 25th August: Orientation Day
Monday 26th August: First Day of School
A full calendar for all term dates for next year can be found here.
Matilda tickets are on sale, a very exciting production to look forward to this summer! Click here to buy your tickets!
Summer Camps taking place at Nadeen School are now open for registration! Please contact each Summer Camp provider directly for further information and enquiries. Click here to view all the available camps.
Finally, thank you to all parents for attending the Talent Show last Thursday. It was a wonderful way in which to finish the week, to celebrate a growth mindset, encourage our students to have fun and spread enjoyment across the entire school. Well done to all students for getting up on stage and performing, even to have the courage to do this deserves a lot of credit and respect. The quality and the variety of performances were a joy to see.
It has been an incredible team effort and we are very proud of the students.
Have a great weekend!
Dr Paul Walton
The photo below is from the Secondary Stargazing Night.

Latest Articles
Parents NetFest 2024
The Development of Arabic Language Teachers
TeachMeet2: Educators Together – May 2024
Nadeen School Science Fair 2024
Nadeen School – All Events for 2023 – 2024: For a printable PDF click here
● Whole School Dates (bold)
● Awareness Days (Italics)
● Parent Presentations/Open Days (highlighted blue)
● Nadeen Community Association Events (highlighted green)
● Weekend Events (highlighted yellow)
● Half-Terms/End of Term
Click here to see Google calendar for 2023/24
Click here to see 2024-2025 A4 Landscape calendar with all days and holidays
Urgent Communication 
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email or SMS for emergencies (School Closure).
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your ‘junk’ folder and if you are unsure, please contact info@nadeenschool.com, see reception or phone on +97317728886 to personally check your contact email and phone number on record.
If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
Health and Safety
All urgent Health and Safety announcements will be sent directly to parents via email.
We will continue to work together to follow all health and precautionary measures to prevent the spread of diseases as recommended by the Ministry of Health specialists. Together with your constant cooperation and taking responsibility by keeping your children at home when feeling ill, will also have a significant impact in limiting the spread of diseases. Thank you to all members of the community in advance for this.
Please keep your child at home if he/she is ill, has flu or cold symptoms
Previous Updates
Please find all of the previous updates below.
All updates are sent out at the end of the week and published in the ‘Latest News’ section of the website.
30th May – Update from the Principal
23rd May – Update from the Principal
16th May – Update from the Principal
9th May – Update from the Principal
2nd May – Update from the Principal
25th April – Update from the Principal
18th April – Update from the Principal
28th March – Update from the Principal
21st March – Update from the Principal
14th March – Update from the Principal
7th March – Update from the Principal
29th February – Update from the Principal
15th February – Update from the Principal
1st February – Update from the Principal
8th February – Update from the Principal
1st February – Update from the Principal
25th January – Update from the Principal
18th January – Update from the Principal
11th January – Update from the Principal
14th December – Update from the Principal
7th December – Update from the Principal
30th November – Update from the Principal
23rd November – Update from the Principal
16th November – Update from the Principal
9th November – Update from the Principal
2nd November – Update from the Principal
19th October – Update from the Principal
12th October – Update from the Principal
5th October – Update from the Principal
28th September – Update from the Principal
21st September – Update from the Principal
14th September – Update from the Principal
7th September – Update from the Principal
31st August – Update from the Principal
24th August – Update from the Principal
Virtual Learning
Last year it was announced that it is no longer mandatory for schools to provide Virtual Learning for students, shared by the Ministry of Education in August 2022.
The Ministry of Education has announced that the syllabus system for the coming academic year 2022/23 in all kindergartens, schools, universities, government and private educational institutions at all stages will be mandatory attendance for all students. The ministry clarified that there would be no choice for parents to attend their children to receive in-person or remotely learning, assuring its keenness to provide for all the requirements for a successful back to school.
At Nadeen School, following the announcement from the Ministry above, our provision for learning will be on site.