Our Approach
Nadeen School Bahrain is an outstanding school, offering a high-quality international education in beautiful Bahrain, with a personalised approach to learning which enables each child to achieve beyond their perceived potential.
- We believe in ensuring that all students are unique, should be encouraged to follow their passions, interests and we celebrate their individual successes.
- To facilitate this, we have adopted our philosophy that places the development of the whole child at the forefront of everything we do.
- This encapsulates all aspects of learning and underpins to our commitment of our holistic education
- We model a growth mindset with five underlying principles that are referred to and embedded in our curriculum to support, encourage and develop all learners at Nadeen School.
Our approach to learning is very specific in the way that we teach, students interact and develop. This includes a school-wide passion for progressive teaching, hands on learning and learning by ‘doing’. As mentioned above, we encourage our students to learn with a growth mindset, embracing new challenges and learning with others both in and beyond the classroom through education trips, sports, music, languages, visits, caring for the environment and Extracurricular Activities.
A deeper look into our teaching approach shows a greater emphasis on students interacting, being curious and developing social skills. We see plenty of group work opportunities, student-led activities, presenting of work, exit points (Celebrating student learning), and peer teaching, editing and giving others feedback. In class we create choice boards for students to learn the same concepts through different ways, adapting our teaching, facilitating discussions and debates.
We use less traditional approaches such as an extended lecture, with note taking and tests, and when whole class teaching is used it is used sparingly, along with memorising of facts and knowledge. We aim to facilitate the use of exploration, practical activities and nurturing curiosity through critical thinking and creativity.
Nadeen School students work across year groups with different students through projects, mentoring and supporting one another. Our students are highly engaged in class and take pride in achieving excellent academic progress and in turn we celebrate the successes and achievements of all students. Our students can follow their passions from an idea or their imagination through to creating a final end product or sharing their thoughts through our student-led newspaper, art work, writing, assemblies, articles, student voice etc. We want our students to learn through action and to actively be involved, a full authentic holistic education for all of our learners.