Update from the Principal.
Dear Parents,
We had a great start to the week with our Early Years Open Morning and it was wonderful to see so many families attend the event. An opportunity to come into school, see how the students learn and to get involved in the activities is always very much enjoyable. Thank you to all families that attended and we look forward to the next event.
Today, we’ve welcomed back the Year 7, 8 and 9 students from the Ecoventure trip. They’ve had a fantastic time and we’ve seen many photos, videos and updates from their experiences and challenges along the way! These trips are essential for our students to have the opportunity to be involved in, as they extend the learning beyond the classroom and develop further skills. Thank you to the staff not only on this trip but also on the Year 5 and 6 trip for doing such a great job in encouraging, supporting and helping the students. Thank you to the parents for your time and efforts to make these trips the successes they are, a lot of preparation and help goes into these adventures and we are very grateful to our families for helping out and your continued support. Finally, the students constantly push themselves and seeing them all try new things, take risks and develop teamwork skills is invaluable. A huge thank you to everyone involved and we look forward to the next trip!
Our Extracurricular Activities signup first survey has been sent out to gather the preferred clubs from families. In the first term we had 65 clubs running and 76% of our students attended at least one ECA. This is such an important part of the school life and many of these activities are free. If you have not received an email about ECAs for term 2, please email Miss Habiba H.chilwan@nadeenschool.com

We have extended the Winter Shoebox appeal deadline until Thursday 30th November. Hopefully this will give families extra time to donate. Also on the theme of charity and thinking of others, please see information regarding the annual ‘Box of Goodness’ project below:
Nadeen School is supporting A Box of Goodness to collect new toys for underprivileged children of all faiths and nationalities in Bahrain. The collection will open on Sunday 26th November and close on Thursday 7th December.
Toys should be brand new and suitable for children aged 2 – 12 years old. Suggested toys include: play dough sets, dolls, cars, building blocks, puzzles, games, art kits and much more! It would be a great experience for your child to choose something they think would bring joy to another child.
Thank you for your support and generosity.
Thank you to parents for your positive feedback regarding 24N, the football and swimming sessions, this is very much appreciated. We are happy with the progress made this term with football and swimming and will keep working hard to ensure our students get the best provision possible. Please click on the below links to access 24N’s schedule and pricing for next term:
24N Football: Term 2
With the end of term approaching, we look forward to our Festive Fair, Sports Days, Performances and Festive events!
Have a great weekend!
Dr Paul Walton
Latest Articles
Celebrating Imagination and Creativity- COBIS International Art Competition 2023
Year 5 and 6 Ecoventure Trip: November 2023
Nadeen School – All Events for 2023 – 2024: For a printable PDF click here
● Whole School Dates (bold)
● Awareness Days (Italics)
● Parent Presentations/Open Days (highlighted blue)
● Nadeen Community Association Events (highlighted green)
● Weekend Events (highlighted yellow)
● Half-Terms/End of Term
Click here to see Nadeen School PDF and Google calendars for 2023/24
Urgent Communication 
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email or SMS for emergencies (School Closure).
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your ‘junk’ folder and if you are unsure, please contact info@nadeenschool.com, see reception or phone on +97317728886 to personally check your contact email and phone number on record.
If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
Health and Safety
All urgent Health and Safety announcements will be sent directly to parents via email.
We will continue to work together to follow all health and precautionary measures to prevent the spread of diseases as recommended by the Ministry of Health specialists. Together with your constant cooperation and taking responsibility by keeping your children at home when feeling ill, will also have a significant impact in limiting the spread of diseases. Thank you to all members of the community in advance for this.
Please keep your child at home if he/she is ill, has flu or cold symptoms
Previous Updates
Please find all of the previous updates below.
All updates are sent out at the end of the week and published in the ‘Latest News’ section of the website.
16th November – Update from the Principal
9th November – Update from the Principal
2nd November – Update from the Principal
5th October- Update from the Principal
28th September – Update from the Principal
21st September – Update from the Principal
14th September – Update from the Principal
7th September – Update from the Principal
31st August – Update from the Principal
24th August – Update from the Principal
Virtual Learning
Last year it was announced that it is no longer mandatory for schools to provide Virtual Learning for students, shared by the Ministry of Education in August 2022.
The Ministry of Education has announced that the syllabus system for the coming academic year 2022/23 in all kindergartens, schools, universities, government and private educational institutions at all stages will be mandatory attendance for all students. The ministry clarified that there would be no choice for parents to attend their children to receive in-person or remotely learning, assuring its keenness to provide for all the requirements for a successful back to school.
At Nadeen School, following the announcement from the Ministry above, our provision for learning will be on site.