Our Inclusion Team


Our learning support programme is an ever-evolving intervention which is right for each individual child at that particular point in time. The type, frequency, setting and reason for support is continually changing for each child’s unique needs.

The learning support programme runs seamlessly alongside classroom teaching and learning, in conjunction with our pastoral initiatives and creative approach to the curriculum. The fluidity and specific nature of the support we provide enables each child to be included and interact with every aspect of school life.

Children are enrolled on our learning support programme on a term by term basis. At the end of each term the learning support staff meet with the class teacher, in addition to their regular meetings, to discuss each child’s needs and whether they should continue with the programme for the following term. In addition to our formal oral report meetings, parents are encouraged to meet with class teachers and learning support teachers to find out more about their child’s learning needs.

Before a decision is made as to which level of support your child requires, your child’s needs will have been rigorously assessed through a variety of methods which could include:

  • baseline assessment on entry to the school
  • ongoing teacher assessments throughout the school year
  • in-class observations by our learning support leader
  • comprehensive analysis of pupil’s attainment and progress data by senior leadership team
  • yearly UK standardised testing
  • specialised testing e.g. Dyslexia Screener and educational psychologist report where necessary.

Our learning support has four levels: Level 1 (BD183 per term), Level 2 (BD457 per term), Level 3 (BD630 per term) and Level 4 (BD914 per term).

Learning support sometimes takes place in the child’s classroom, with the learning support teacher working alongside the class teacher to help make the curriculum being taught to the class is accessible and relevant for the child’s specific needs. Sometimes, the child is withdrawn from the class in a small group to work on specific targets in one of our learning support rooms. We want children to be in class with their peers wherever possible, so withdrawal lessons happen only if the required target can’t be covered in the class setting or if a specific intervention programme is being used.

As part of their learning support programme, children may receive intervention from different people, including their class teacher, learning support teachers, English as an additional language teachers, subject leaders, or specialists (such as speech and language therapists).

All of our learning support teachers have additional qualifications and/or experience in working with special needs and/or teaching English as an additional language.

Children on our intensive programme receive more sessions than children on our intermediate programme, or they may be receiving support in several subjects. They may also have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) if this is appropriate for them.


Presentations and Resources

Inclusion Department Parent Presentation – Summer 2023