


At Nadeen, we teach and learn in a creative, child-centred and innovative way and we assess children’s learning in the same way to help all students progress.


We use an online tracking system, to track children’s attainment and progress through the curriculum – right down to the last objective – all through the year.  This rigorous system involves analysing gaps in children’s knowledge and skills, planning to fill these identified gaps, and assessing how they do and it runs seamlessly alongside our creative curriculum, in a way that helps our teachers know exactly where your child is against the national curriculum, without the need for frequent tests.  We also use reading benchmarking and phonics assessments, together with formative assessment tasks.


We use summative and formative assessment at school.  For summative assessments we have teacher based assessments and a PIRA (Progress in Reading Assessment) and PUMA (Progress in Understanding Mathematics Assessment) at the end of each term.  Formative assessment is ongoing in the classroom each day to help our students move forward with their learning via verbal and written feedback.


We have a termly testing week, where all children in key stages 1 and 2 sit UK standardised tests in English and maths and the Arabic pupils do end-of-year assessments in Arabic.

When further cognitive assessment is required we may administer the following tests, prior to admission or once a child is enrolled in school, for an additional fee:

CAT 4: The Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) is a suite of tests that assesses a student’s reasoning (thinking) abilities in key areas that support educational development and academic attainment. It includes subtests in the following areas: Verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and spatial abilites. It is used to inform teachers, students and their parents and carers about an individual’s underlying ability and how this can be recognised and built upon to ensure that a student achieves his or her potential. It is accessible from Y2 upwards.

Wide Range Intelligence Test (WRIT): The WRIT is a standardised assessment of intellectual ability designed for individual administration. It is standardised for age groups from 4 to 85 years. It consists of 4 subtests: Verbal Analogies, Vocabulary, Matrices and Diamonds. It is an ideal assessment to use for young people who have not yet developed all their literacy skills or are experience reading, spelling and writing difficulties as no writing is required.

WIAT 3-UK-T: the Wechsler Individual Attainment test is used to assess a child’s attainment and skills in various aspects of English literacy. It is standardised for age groups from 4 upwards age. It includes the following subtests: Early reading skills, reading comprehension, word reading, oral reading fluency, accuracy and speed and spelling.

We proud of the Academic Excellence at Nadeen School…

PIRA and PUMA assessment results 2022/23.

We are delighted with the progress of all of our students in the PIRA (Progress in Reading Assessment) and PUMA (Progress in Understanding Mathematics Assessment) that have been completed in the academic year 2022/23.  These are an international benchmark of academic progress and we have already seen some wonderful individual progress and some exceptional high scores.  In the above picture, we celebrate 12 of our wonderful students who have achieved PIRA PUMA scores in the top 4% of all students who have taken these international assessments.  An amazing achievement!!!

All students in our school have worked incredibly hard towards these assessments and have ben preparing with examples, tests and learning concepts that are key as they continue through the key stages at school.  These fundamental stages that they learn help provide an excellent platform for their learning as they grow and develop at school.  The PIRA and PUMA assessments help to give a snapshot of where the students are with their learning, help set targets moving forward to to consolidate learning, assisting teachers to inform their planning to encourage and stretch understanding of students.
Thank you to our teachers who have worked tirelessly to ensure that our students a well equipped and ready for these standardised assessments.  Our teachers have carefully planned out lessons, activities and support to enable all of our students to make progress.
Checked   All student progress is celebrated and we are proud of all of our students here in Nadeen School.
Checked   87% Nadeen students working at or above age-related expectations in Mathematics.
Checked   78% Nadeen students working at or above age-related expectations in English.
Checked   23% Nadeen students Gifted and Talented in Mathematics or English.


Increase 12 Nadeen Students achieved top 4% of the international scores in PIRA or PUMA

Increase   4 Nadeen Students achieved top 2% of the international scores in PIRA or PUMA

The image below shows our 4 Nadeen Students who achieved scores in the top 2%, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment!!!


To read more about our Academic Excellence at Nadeen School , please click here