Update from the Principal.
Dear Parents,
This week we celebrated World Mental Health Day, enjoyed a wonderful Art Exhibition, a Chromebook Presentation, and today we bring awareness to ‘Think Pink’.
Thank you to all parents for filling in the ECA survey. The feedback has been included in the ECA article and the headlines are listed below. Thank you to all parents for filling in the survey and for helping us improve the provision of Extracurricular Activities, the results are scored out of 10, 10 being the highest.
Overall Experience – Rate your child’s overall experience of the ECA clubs they attended. 7.98
Communication – Rate the level of communication you received from the club leader. 6.95
Sign Up Process – Rate the signing up process to register your child to a club. 5.71
Thank you to parents who attended the Coffee with the Principal event this morning. Please find the items discussed below and also the questions and answers that came up. I look forward to seeing you next time, the first Thursday of each month.
- Drop off – planned to add music, music added, one more member of staff added to supervise car park and one more external road and crosswalk. 147 cars used drop off on Sunday.
- Pick up – 5 areas mentioned previously that would impact (ECA, Academies, car park on plot of land, cycling, safe driving, drive by pick up (Yr 1-9) over 60 signed up, secondary exit ticket, students dismissed from ground floor). Plans for assisting with a Primary pick up after ECAs next.
- Bike rack – mentioned last month was ordered, now delivered and installed.
- Start of year presentations – Following on from Meet the teacher, Sports/ECAs/International Trips and Inclusion, now had Esafety, Chromebook, IGCSE Information presentation… more to come on literacy, Little Wandle and HPL.
- Update from the Principal – questions listed from the previous coffee morning are in the UFTP Thursday 7th September.
- Communication – all parents should now have received weekly emails on a Thursday from the Teacher. Update from the Principal is sent out on the website on a Thursday. Please feel free to email the teacher in the first instance, arrange a meeting or an appointment to discuss the progress/development of your child. Some parents have followed this, in regular contact with the class teacher.
- Uniforms – an update from Kapes will be sent out to all parents together, we are helping Kapes as much as possible.
- Coffee Shop – decaf coffee, dairy milk to be used, variety of sandwiches etc. Feedback received.
- Catering companies – Research and interviews complete, now a catering company arriving Monday for a final proposal for the school.
- ECAs – survey sent out and results shared with the school community. SIgn up process will be changed.
- Uniforms – all queries I receive, I contact Kapes directly with the parents and they have had a response, no change on the delivery of items ordered.
- Selling for Uniforms in the school – no plans for selling uniforms this half term but we may look at starting with the smaller items and single items to help families.
- Accelerated Reader – no plans to introduce this yet in Term 1.
- Dress Code – please consider the cultural expectations as mentioned in the update last week.
- Grading Systems – A 5 point scale either with words for Primary or A – E for Secondary School.
- Latest News – Many articles uploaded.
- https://www.nadeenschool.com/girls-football-extra-curricular-activity/
- https://www.nadeenschool.com/extra-curricular-activities-at-nadeen-school/
- https://www.nadeenschool.com/student-voice-series-my-transition-to-nadeen-school-a-new-secondary-students-perspective/
- https://www.nadeenschool.com/music-academy-partnerships-at-nadeen-school/
- https://www.nadeenschool.com/nadeen-school-a-cambridge-approved-centre/
- 17. Think Pink– Breast Cancer Awareness at Nadeen School today.
- 18. Alumni Wall – This is a wall of previous Nadeen School students that have continued their studies in other educational institutions around the world. It is to celebrate and recognise their wonderful achievements.

Questions raised at the Coffee with the Principal:
- Can the skort have no flap at the back?
This request has gone to Kapes and parents will be updated in the future if this option is available.
- When will the uniform be delivered and replacements/changes to uniform swapped?
The uniform will be delivered and exchanges/changes can then be made at the end of November.
- When will the new T-Shirt with the correct logo be available?
This forms part of the new shipment which will be available at the end of November.
- Can Kapes uniform be delivered directly to school?
Kapes are in the process of arranging for a “delivery/collection locker” to be installed at the school. They aim to have this installed and up and running by the first week of November.
- When will jackets be available on the Kapes website?
This forms part of the new shipment which will be available at the end of November.
- What do you do for Gifted and Talented?
We have a gifted and talented policy at school. This includes opportunities for sporting, cultural and academic students to be identified and supported. Nadeen School believes in Stretch and Challenge for all students.
- Is the Library open at break times?
Yes, the Library is open at break times and the students are welcome to pop in and see Miss Mayada.
- Could we organise a sports evening?
Yes, we have a football and netball festival coming up. We also have the Nadeen Community Sports Festival which is scheduled to take place on the 4th of November from 9am to 11am for Nadeen families. These are fantastic opportunities for students and families to participate and enjoy multiple sporting events.
- Could Nadeen School get involved in running, exercise and the marathon?
Yes. We would like to create a running club for students and parents. Please could any volunteers contact info@nadeenschool.com
- Can we offer more clubs to cater for Arabic especially when sports are on?
Yes. This is a part of our long term plan to offer more clubs for Arabic. We will try to increase the provision for Term 2.
- Could we run a summer camp or half term club?
Yes. Running a Summer camp is part of our planning for next year. We will also look at the addition of a half term club.
- How can we support e-safety and educating students on the use of social media?
We are going to have another e-safety event to talk about this specifically following on from our past Chromebook and e-safety presentations. For more information, please visit the e-safety page on our website and read our online safety policy.
- Can visitors use the ground floor toilet?
Yes. The disabled toilets may be used.
During this last week, it has been a pleasure to visit lessons and see our students learning. During this term we have focused on feedback for students, Literacy, EAL strategies, Lesson Objectives and Success Criteria. The staff deserve a huge amount of praise for the way in which they have embraced the new resources, facilities and opportunities for the students in our campus. As we head towards the end of the first term, we can look back on a lot completed and progress made.
Thank you to parents who continue to follow the dress code and expectations whilst in the carpark and on campus out of respect to the country and culture in which we all live. This is very important to us as a community and we ask that everyone works together to ensure we are as respectful as possible.
Finally, we look forward to our ‘Exit Points’ next week in Primary classes where our students have the opportunity to showcase what they have been learning throughout their current unit. In many different formats, these exit points are a great way for everyone to be involved in the learning at school!
Have a great weekend!
Dr Paul Walton
The below image is of our Think Pink Walkathon.

Latest Articles
Nadeen School – All Events for 2023 – 2024: For a printable PDF click here
● Whole School Dates (bold)
● Awareness Days (Italics)
● Parent Presentations/Open Days (highlighted blue)
● Nadeen Community Association Events (highlighted green)
● Weekend Events (highlighted yellow)
● Half-Terms/End of Term
Click here to see Nadeen School PDF and Google calendars for 2023/24
Urgent Communication 
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email or SMS for emergencies (School Closure).
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your ‘junk’ folder and if you are unsure, please contact info@nadeenschool.com, see reception or phone on +97317728886 to personally check your contact email and phone number on record.
If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
Health and Safety
All urgent Health and Safety announcements will be sent directly to parents via email.
We will continue to work together to follow all health and precautionary measures to prevent the spread of diseases as recommended by the Ministry of Health specialists. Together with your constant cooperation and taking responsibility by keeping your children at home when feeling ill, will also have a significant impact in limiting the spread of diseases. Thank you to all members of the community in advance for this.
Please keep your child at home if he/she is ill, has flu or cold symptoms
Previous Updates
Please find all of the previous updates below.
All updates are sent out at the end of the week and published in the ‘Latest News’ section of the website.
5th October- Update from the Principal
28th September – Update from the Principal
21st September – Update from the Principal
14th September – Update from the Principal
7th September – Update from the Principal
31st August – Update from the Principal
24th August – Update from the Principal
Virtual Learning
Last year it was announced that it is no longer mandatory for schools to provide Virtual Learning for students, shared by the Ministry of Education in August 2022.
The Ministry of Education has announced that the syllabus system for the coming academic year 2022/23 in all kindergartens, schools, universities, government and private educational institutions at all stages will be mandatory attendance for all students. The ministry clarified that there would be no choice for parents to attend their children to receive in-person or remotely learning, assuring its keenness to provide for all the requirements for a successful back to school.
At Nadeen School, following the announcement from the Ministry above, our provision for learning will be on site.