Update from the Principal.
Dear Parents,
Happy Parent Appreciation Day! – our students have made some wonderful cards and messages of appreciation to send home and as a community today we recognise and show our gratitude towards all of our parents and carers in the school. Our parents are fantastic and we well and truly value and appreciate what you do each and every single day.
I finally agree it’s cold! This week we’ve seen jumpers, jackets as we navigate the changing temperatures each day. This has not deterred the students with their warmth, enthusiasm and joy for school as we have seen the same positive energy bubbling over into lessons, learning and play times. It is always such a pleasure to see.
Some great announcements regarding languages to share with you this week as we are very proud to announce our first Head of Arabic department, congratulations to Ms Kawther Additionally, we congratulate Ms Fabiola who will be our first full time French teacher at Nadeen School. We are very happy with these developments in our languages subjects and want to continue to invest in our provision as our students have clearly embraced and enjoyed learning languages!
I walked around the school yesterday and visited all classes, many were in the middle of group work, listening to teachers demonstrate and some on different exciting projects. The common connection is that all of our students were engaged and inspired during lessons. As you walk around, you hear the ‘sound’ of learning, the friendly tone of the teachers and students and the purposeful ‘buzz’ in the school. It is something we work hard on constantly as a team.
I have included a section below that has ‘student questions’ that were submitted in our suggestion box at school. Also, this week we have sent out our annual Student Surveys to all students to gather their feedback on school life, lessons and learning at Nadeen. I will include the analysis next week to share out to all families.
Please make sure that you have visited the new area with our calendars, information below with calendars for next year and a google calendar to try if you would like to download all of our events.
Click here to access the calendar page of our website
We are delighted with the reaction to our new online uniform shop for PE/Sportswear and we look forward to more items being added to the shop over the coming weeks! https://besportbh.com/nadeen-school/
In the ‘Our School’ section of the website, we have now started to upload all curriculum plans for parents to access. This shows what students are learning over the 3 terms in subjects, assessments, resources and links to support material to stretch and challenge our students. Click here to see an example.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Paul Walton
Teacher Features
Our next set of teacher features will start next month to introduce you to different departments and groups of staff in Nadeen School.
New Articles
A couple of great new articles for you to enjoy during the last week:
Year 4 Architect Project Day
Year 5 and 6 CCS Guest speaker – Psychotherapist
New Building
We visited the new building this week and in our next phase, we will take staff to visit in the coming weeks. It’ an exciting time as when we have finished with the tours for the teachers, we can then have students and parents to visit next!
Below I have included a picture this week of the swimming pools as they are scheduled to be tiled this week and we look forward to seeing them when we visit again!

Coffee with the Principal
I look forward to the next Coffee with the Principal at Thursday 2nd February 2023, 8.00am – 9.00am.
School Year 2023/24
Please contact admissions or our school office, if you would like to register interest for any siblings of current Nadeen School students. Our enrolment for 2023/24 has started. If you have any further questions, please contact: +973 17 728886 or email info@nadeenschool.com
Drop Off Point
Please can parents use the Drop Off Point, if possible, in the mornings.
Drop Off – Parents on site
- This option of walking students on site remains open for parents of children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1, as normal.
- Also, we have the option for any new parents to drop off their children to the class for the first 2 weeks.
- After this, Year 2 to Year 7 students must be dropped off at the front of the school.
- Only parents of Nursery, Reception and Year 1 should be accompanying students to their classrooms.
- Parents of students in Year 2 to 7 must make an appointment to see the teacher (to avoid disrupting learning, lessons, target time), an email to the teacher or to contact the reception if this is an emergency.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and support.
General Updates
- 7 main areas for Communication: There will be an update from the Principal each Thursday from school to the whole community, latest news on the website for all articles, a school newsletter every half term, first Thursday of each month for coffee with the principal, weekly email from teachers, Social Media (Instagram/Facebook) and many exciting school events coming up on our events page on the website.
- Uniform Shop – now available at https://besportbh.com/nadeen-school/
- Calendars – now available at https://www.nadeenschool.com/our-calendar/
- Morning Drop off – The gates open each morning at 7.35am, if parents would like to drop students off earlier in school, please email Miss Karen about the breakfast club from 7.00am.
- Communication – the next Coffee morning is on Thursday 2nd February 2023, 8.00am – 9.00am.. An opportunity to hear updates, plans moving forward and to meet other parents.
- School Newsletter – click here to read all about it!.
- New School – Opening Spring 2023
- Social Media updates – Please follow our Facebook and Instagram pages to see the latest photos, posts and updates about our new school campus in Dilmunia. It looks incredible and it is great to see the progress each week of everything coming together.
Open Days
Also, we have a chance for parents to invite your friends along to experience what Nadeen School has to offer, please see the dates below for all parents to come in and see our school. Parents can walk around the school, see classes, and meet teachers. There is no formal presentation as it is an opportunity to see the day-to-day learning at school.
Early Years Open Mornings
Monday 20th February.
Open Days
OPEN DAY 2: Sunday 29th January 2023
OPEN DAY 3: Tuesday 23rd May 2023
Student question/Suggestion box
- Will there be a new uniform? Yes, there will be a new uniform. We are looking at a uniform supplier that shares our passion for using sustainable, eco-friendly, and body-friendly materials
- Will students help to design the uniform? Yes! We have been asking students, parents, and members of the team what they would like to see in a new uniform and have added all of this feedback in to our design process
- Will there be pink and purple flowers at the new school? Absolutely! And red and yellow and orange and white and all sorts of other colours! We will have planting areas, garden spaces, planters on our terraces and patios, and lots of opportunites to grow flowers, vegetables, herbs, and fruit.
- Will there be a prayer room for Year 7+ students to use Yes, there will be a dedicated prayer room for our school community to use
- What colour will the new school be? The outside of the building will be mostly white with some accent walls of colour. Inside, we will have feature walls in each class and common, shared area that are coloured, too. Our palette is mostly greens (for nature) blues (for the sea and sky) and browns (for the earth.)
- I can’t swim. Will there be swimming lessons for all students? Yes! We will have swimming lessons for all students and also have swimming sessions and water safety classes for our team, parents, and members of our community.
- Can I ride my bike to school? Yes you can! We look forward to a lot of our students being able to walk and cycle to school, promoting a healthy lifestyle in a healthy, safe neighborhood
Key Dates – (Whole School Days in bold)
Nadeen School – All Events for 2022_23 for a printable PDF click here
- Whole School Dates
- Awareness Days
- PTA Events
Click here to see Nadeen School PDF and Google calendars for 2022/23 and 2023/24
Urgent Communication 
All urgent updates continue to be sent via email or SMS for emergencies (School Closure).
Please monitor your emails for future updates as this continues to be the best way to send out clear and consistent communication to all parents. Check that you are receiving emails, have enough space in your email folder, that they do not go to your ‘junk’ folder and if you are unsure, please contact info@nadeenschool.com, see reception or phone on +97317728886 to personally check your contact email and phone number on record.
If you change any contact details, please inform the school immediately.
Health and Safety
All urgent Health and Safety announcements will be sent directly to parents via email.
We will continue to work together to follow all health and precautionary measures to prevent the spread of diseases as recommended by the Ministry of Health specialists. Together with your constant cooperation and taking responsibility by keeping your children at home when feeling ill, will also have a significant impact in limiting the spread of diseases. Thank you to all members of the community in advance for this.
Please keep your child at home if he/she is ill, has flu or cold symptoms
Previous Updates
Please find all of the previous updates below.
All updates are sent out at the end of the week and published in the ‘Latest News’ section of the website.
12th January – Update from the Principal (Happy Birthday Nadeen School!)
14th December – Update from the Principal (Festive Singing!)
8th December – Update from the Principal (Last week of Term!)
1st December – Update from the Principal (Festive Singing)
24th November – Update from the Principal (Sports Fixtures)
17th November – Update from the Principal (Remembrance Day)
10th November – Update from the Principal (Sports Events)
3rd November – Update from the Principal (Mount Everest)
20th October – Update from the Principal (Halloween)
13th October – Update from the Principal (Buddy Classes)
6th October – Update from the Principal (Cystic Fibrosis)
29th September – Update from the Principal (Dyslexia Awareness Week)
22nd September – Update from the Principal (Nadeen School is an Outstanding School)
15th September – Update from the Principal (We pay our respect to Queen Elizabeth II)
8th September – Update from the Principal (eSafety and Inclusion Presentations)
1st September – Update from the Principal (First Week Back)
25th August – Update from the Principal (Orientation Day!)
18th August – Update from the Principal (Final Preparation for the Orientation Day)
11th August – Update from the Principal (Planning for INSET training)
4th August – Update from the Principal (Summer update)
Virtual Learning
As you might have seen, this summer it was announced that it is no longer mandatory for schools to provide Virtual Learning for students, shared by the Ministry of Education on Tuesday 2nd August 2022.
The Ministry of Education has announced that the syllabus system for the coming academic year 2022/23 in all kindergartens, schools, universities, government and private educational institutions at all stages will be mandatory attendance for all students. The ministry clarified that there would be no choice for parents to attend their children to receive in-person or remotely learning, assuring its keenness to provide for all the requirements for a successful back to school.
At Nadeen School, following the announcement from the Ministry above, our provision for learning will be on site.
For students unable to attend or overseas, we will offer an extra provision to help support with Year 3 and above, including:
- Students will be included in Google classrooms to have the same access as those onsite.
- A link to a curriculum plan for all year groups.
- A weekly class email from the teacher.
- An appointment to discuss your child/their progress over email or an online meeting when required.
- Access to our book list covered in school.
- The resources from the online subscriptions used on site will be available.
- An opportunity for a teacher/student conference if needed, as directed by the class teacher.
We hope all students have the opportunity to be back on site. We look forward to the new academic year and following the Ministry guidance above for our students at school.