Student Voice – Year 4

Dr K Fisher – Year 4

Year 4 loved the book we read in our last English block. ‘Ask Dr K. Fisher’ is an information text full of fascinating facts about lots of different animals.  The book is written in the format of an animal with a problem (related to its adaptations) writing to a Kingfisher for advice. The advice explains the reason for the adaptation with additional factual information. The book is beautifully illustrated and includes lots of humour. The children used good research skills and lots of creativity to write their own letters.

An Itchy Story

Dr Dr K.Fisher,

I hate the fur on my feet, it just feels so weird! When I walk, everybody laughs at me. It feels so itchy and I don’t like my feet looking so white -everyone says ‘you painted your feet!’

From Unlucky in the Arctic (An Arctic Hare)

Dear Unlucky in the Arctic,

You will not like your life without fur on your feet. It helps you so much, without fur you would be so cold. It also helps you grip the ice so you don’t fall. After animal school just ignore the animals that laugh at you. The fur also helps to muffle the sound or prey or predators don’t hear you. You would get cold and sick without the fur on your feet.

Warm regards,

Dr K Fisher.


Rania 4HS



Hot and Sweaty

Dr Dr K. Fisher,

I’m a coyote with a problem, a hot problem. The reason I’m writing is because the temperature is 110 degrees nearly every day! It is too hot to get food for all my pups -I have 19! I can’t play games with my friends either because of the heat,

From Hot and Sweaty


Dear Hot and Sweaty, 

Your habitat is the desert and if you get too hot you can dig a burrow with your paws. You can put a wall in your burrow to stop your pups getting out. Try and find some indoor games to play. Again, make a wall out of the rocks so your pups are safe and stay inside the burrow.


Dr K. Fisher

Shay 4HS


Dear Dr K Fisher,

I am a coconut crab and I have a problem.
Whenever I climb a tree and I try to take a coconut, I fall off.
I’m badly injured and I’m tired of looking for coconuts in the sand.
Please tell me what I can do. I am stuck for ideas now!
Tired and starving at the beach.

Dear Tired and Starving,

You should try to break the coconut on the tree.
This will help you more, rather than pushing it down.
This means you can quickly climb back to where you are going.
Hope it works,
Best of luck
Dr K Fisher
Faris Khader 4SD

Dear Dr K Fisher,

Please help me, I’m a cat and I have a big problem.
So I’ll begin, whenever I walk, my tail gets stepped on.
So please help me,
Kind regards
Miss Ouch Tail.

Dear Miss Ouch Tail,

It’s annoying to have your tail stepped on.
So here is an idea I have for you.
If you don’t want to have your tail stepped on, you could either walk on the walls or under cars.
This will make sure no one will step on your tail from now on.
Yours truly, Dr K Fisher.

Georgie Gallagher 4SD