Whole School Transition Morning and its importance (Tuesday 20th June 2023)
Transitions are described as any time children move between settings or activities and tasks. Transitions can be smaller – like moving between activities or areas within their learning environment throughout the day – or larger, like moving from one year group to another, or from Early Years to Key Stage One, or Primary to Secondary.
Ensuring an opportunity for effective transitions can promote children’s learning and well-being, improve children’s confidence in managing change, foster a sense of belonging and connectedness to the community, and grow partnerships and positive relationships between settings. A good transition can mean the difference between floundering and flourishing. As such, it is crucial to get it right.
“I loved going up to Year 3 with my class. We got to share our favourite things, we played some team-building games, and we even wrote a letter to our next teacher! I am so excited to have my own Chromebook”
– Year 2 student
A lot of research into transition focuses on the move from Primary to Secondary settings, however, thinking about transition is key in all year groups. Some children will inevitably find the transition more difficult than others, however, this can be mitigated. While successful transitions can better prepare children to handle challenges they may encounter, some evidence links good transitions to academic success in later years and positive life trajectories.

“Visiting Year 5 was great. I am really excited about the opportunity to go on the EcoVenture trip next year!”
– Year 4 student
At Nadeen School, we believe that the opportunity to have an element of transition to the next academic year’s year level is only a positive one. The students move from their current classes with their same class cohort, which provides an element of familiarity, and they experience a morning in the next year level with the teachers that are currently teaching there. They complete different activities that would be appropriate for that year level and, along with the chance to share their look forwards and worries, also have an opportunity to ask questions to help alleviate any concerns. This was extremely successful, and students were engaged, excited, and are extremely well prepared for their next year level. Visiting many of the classrooms today, it was evident that this was an experience that was appreciated by the students.
“It was so much fun going to Reception because I got to read big books and play with new toys!”
– Nursery student