Bahrain Eco-Summit 2024

Bahrain Eco-Summit – February 2024 by Miss Emma and Miss Louise

The Eco-Summit 2024 was hosted at British School Bahrain and schools across Bahrain were invited to the event. Nadeen School took a group of the Planet Protectors along to the event to represent at the summit!

On Sunday 25th February, Planet Protectors from Nadeen School attended the Eco-Summit to share their knowledge about sustainability. During the event, several students from Nadeen took to the microphone to discuss their ideas with other students from across Bahrain. The students listened attentively to speakers and student presentations. They engaged in dialogue and attended a range of workshops to learn further about how they can contribute to making our planet a better place in the future. The speeches and workshops covered ideas such as composting and planting, designing a city of the future, and sustainable clothing options. The students learned about the United Nations 17 sustainable goals and debated local actions they can take toward these

The students from Nadeen were mixed into different groups to maximize their time spent discussing ideas with students from the other schools. This enabled them to be exposed to new ideas they had not already discussed with their Nadeen Planet Protectors team and to also share what they have been doing in Nadeen School with other Schools. This has enthused them with new ideas and they were eager to discuss these new ideas on the bus home and with their Planet Protector group on Tuesday at our weekly meeting.


I learned about an organisation called Simply Bottles. I learned that plastic bottles are having a big impact on our environment and we need to change this. Simply Bottles will now come to Nadeen School to share how we can make changes by recycling these plastic bottles!

– by Angus, Nadeen School Student


The biggest takeaway for me and Angus is that some schools have a machine that crushes the bottles. It is like a trash compactor so that the bottles can be crushed and taken away for recycling!

– by Eshan, Nadeen School Student



The event came to a close with all schools making a pledge with regard to how they will contribute to a more sustainable future. The students at Nadeen came up with some excellent ideas that showed how much they had been listening and learning throughout the event.


Our pledge is to recycle bottles by connecting with Simply Bottles. We also pledged that we will restart the Nadeen School composting system to ensure we can compost things like our leftover fruits and vegetables. We also want to encourage everyone to put items in the correct bins instead of just throwing everything in the same bin. We were thinking this could be a focus for getting house points to encourage everyone to recycle properly.

– by Jappy, Nadeen School Student