Academic Excellence – PIRA PUMA (Term 3 2022-23)

PIRA and PUMA assessment results Term 3 2022/23.

It has been a thoroughly successful end to the year regarding the final literacy and numeracy results at Nadeen School. It has been wonderful to see the progress of all of our students in the PIRA (Progress in Reading Assessment) and PUMA (Progress in Understanding Mathematics Assessment) that have been completed during the last month. These are internationally recognised, and we are incredibly proud of the hard work from all students and staff to achieve these fantastic results.

At each year level, these assessments test the foundations of literacy comprehension and numeracy skills that are necessary for students of that age. Staff have identified specific areas in which students need to improve, and prepared key activities to not only consolidate this learning, but to also stretch and challenge all students at the appropriate level. Students work hard at school with the staff and are also so motivated that they continue at home supported by family to focus on target areas raised over the year. This collaboration is so important for students and their progress.

Thank you to the staff for their incredible dedication and support of their students, planning carefully to ensure that students are fully equipped and supported for these assessments.
It is an excellent way to complete the year!


Following the hard work this year from staff, students and parents, we’ve seen outstanding progress for all students once again from the PIRA and PUMA assessments.

– Mr Paul_

Checked  All student progress is celebrated and we are proud of all of our students here in Nadeen School.
Checked   93% Nadeen students working at or above age-related expectations in Mathematics. 
Checked   86% Nadeen students working at or above age-related expectations in English. 
Checked   31% Nadeen students Gifted and Talented in Mathematics or English.


Increase  81 Nadeen Students achieved top 4% of the international scores in PIRA or PUMA

Increase  33 Nadeen Students achieved top 2% of the international scores in PIRA or PUMA


Highlight 1: We are very proud of our staff at Nadeen School and the hard work they have put into encouraging, supporting and helping our students prepare for the standardised assessments.  Our students have performed tremendously well and we are proud of each and every single one of them.  Congratulations to all students! – This first graphic shows the outstanding academic achievement by our students at 93% in Mathematics in comparison to similar aged students in the UK at 79%.  Mathematics is a real strength of our students at Nadeen and we take pride in the progress they have all made.


Highlight 2: Well done to all students for their hard work improving their academic English skills over this term.  This shows how Nadeen School Students are performing against UK standards for similar aged students with 86% in Nadeen compared to 73% in the UK.  With 53% of our students with English as a Second language, this is an incredible overall achievement from the starting points our children have with their English language.  Congratulations to all students!


Highlight 3: This shows the academic performance in both English and Mathematics at Nadeen School against similar measures in the UK where Nadeen students are ahead in both.  We are incredibly proud of our students and the way they love to learn, improve and challenge themselves.  A huge thank you to teachers and parents for your support.


Highlight 4: This graphic highlights the 93% of our students at or above age related expectations compared to 79% in the UK, and also an incredible 27% of our Nadeen Students are working at a ‘Gifted and Talented’ academic standard with their work in Mathematics! – What a superb achievement!


Highlight 5: We are proud of the English language development at Nadeen and this shows our fantastic level of English compared to similar measures in the UK, with 86% of Nadeen students at or above age related expectations compared to 73% in the UK. Bearing in mind that 16% of our students are working at a ‘Gifted and Talented’ academic standard with their work in English which is the highest level.  Remarkable from our students when you consider that 53% of them have English as a Second or even a third language!

We look forward to sharing Progress certificates to students in the coming week, because at all levels, it is wonderful to celebrate students making such significant progress term to term.