Teacher Feature – Miss Kacey.
Briefly describe your journey as a teacher.
One of my favourite things to do during my last few years of school was go visit my mum in her nursery class. After finishing school in Bahrain, I decided to get more hands-on experience in the classroom and gain my qualifications while working as an assistant. I enjoyed getting stuck in with the practical aspect, immersing myself in the practice and taking time to do courses which I was passionate about. While working in school, I gained my Level 3 to become an Early Years Educator, and worked through a Level 4 and BA (Hons) in Early Childhood, along with a few other courses that took my interest, becoming a swimming and gymnastics instructor.
Why did you decide to specialise in your chosen area?
I’ve always found working with young children to be so fulfilling. On the surface, every day, I get to come to work and teach through play. Diving deeper, I get to create opportunities and first-hand experiences for children, and, for that year I get to be a part of a class full of children’s lives. I get to be a part of teaching the importance of trying their best even if they don’t succeed the first time, how to become a learner and just showing children how much they are capable of! There is so many different wonderful things about being an Early Years practitioner, I could be here all day.
What makes Nadeen such a unique place to work?
The physical space brings a sense of home to school, and the feeling of comfort and love in each space is apparent everywhere you go – something I am looking forward to bringing into the new site in Dilmunia. Being a smaller school means there are more opportunities to be had, it’s not often that older children are so familiar with teachers who work in the Early Years because even though we are not teaching the children, we share experiences through clubs, buddy classes and events at school.
How would you describe a typical day at Nadeen?
This is the best thing about being in the Early Years, there’s no such thing as a ‘typical day’. When you learn through play, there are endless opportunities to let the little imaginations grow. Every day is a learning day and we are led by the children. Children can be inspired by the world around them which leads to the most creative activities and experiences.