Poetry – Year 3

The Timer!
The timer is running out,
Tick, tock, tick,
Zig zagz and wig wags,
The timer is running out,
Tick, tock, tick,
Dots, lines and lightning bolts,
Rafferty – (Year 3)
The Mountains
Green trees in the nice cold breeze,
Moon is shining like stars,
Mountains are spirits,
Shining stars so beautiful at night,
Northern lights are so bright,
Trees are swaying,
Mountains are howling,
Over the sky,
Nobody knows why.
Bethany – (Year 3)
Nice day
Ah a nice day, the grass is as soft as hay, everyone likes a soft May,
Ah a nice day, don’t leave a pay, a pay to pay your fun to a bad tray,
Ah a nice day, shout out ‘Hey’, I like this day,
Ah a nice day, go to the swing, go to the swing and fling,
Ah a nice day, look at a game, a game and a video game,
Ah a nice day, climb a tree, a tree that has a flea.
Ah a nice day, find a house, find a house that includes a mouse,
Ah a nice day, collect a dog ,collect a dog and a hog,
Ah a nice day, find some pie, find some pie and say hi!
Athanasios – (Year 3)
Swirly lines, waves pink and purple,
I see creativity.
Lines and waves in my hand,
I see creativity.
Creativity is the world, it is the starry night.
Swirly lines, waves pink and purple,
I see creativity.
Lines and waves in my hand,
I see creativity.
I am creative like a STAR!
Japy – (Year 3)
Our Student Voice series of articles at Nadeen School, are used to enable our students to express an opinion, celebrate their learning and most of all enjoy a holistic education as a part of Our Philosophy. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoy seeing our students write these.