Nadeen News – June 2018

Oh wow! It’s the last newsletter of the year and we can’t believe how fast the year has gone! We still have a few busy weeks ahead of us with concerts, prize day, end of year parties, and in-class awards. We’ve had an amazing year full of events, activities, charitable fundraisers, and (of course!) great learning opportunities. We have also had the chance to reflect on our school’s long history in Bahrain and look forward to continuing our 40th Anniversary celebrations in to the next school year. To those of you leaving us this year we wish you all the best and ask that you let us know how you’re doing. For those of you coming back we wish you a wonderful summer holiday, safe travels if you are going anywhere, and we look forward to seeing you again in September!


All children at school will be receiving a commemorative 40th Anniversary teddy bear by the end of term. He’s really cute! He’s also small enough that he can fit in to a carry-on bag if you’re travelling over the summer or in to a regular bag if you’re staying in Bahrain. We’d like to see what you get up to over the summer and see where our Nadeen bear travels to! Please take photos of your Nadeen bear over the summer and use #nadeenbear to load your photos on to Instagram. You can also send them to us to upload for you. We’re looking forward to seeing your adventures!

Dates for your diary!

  •  16 April—INSET DAY— all children finish at 11am
  • 17 April—PTA Bus Trip
  • 19 April—Maths House competition
  • 21 April—Sponsored Walk
  • 22 April—Earth Day and recycled Fashion Show
  • 1 May—Labour Day
  • 3 May—Talent Show
  • 24 May—BSPCA Animal Day
Summer Holiday

Summer Holiday—Ideas for when you’re looking for something to do! Keep a diary or scrapbook of your holiday! Add photos, tickets, and other stickable things to make your scrapbook interesting and a wonderful keepsake * Build a blanket fort and camp in it overnight! * learn how to play a new board game * pick a recipe, go shopping for the ingredients, and make it! (you may need a grown-up to help you) * write a play and perform it * ask for a selection of screwdrivers and pull apart unwanted appliances to see how they work! * watch an origami video online and learn how to make something (this is a really cool skill to have!) * if you can, go on a nature walk and take photos of all of the flora and fauna you see—find out about them, too!

News from the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

News from the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Wow what a busy month May was for the PTA! There was a huge team effort to ensure that this years’ special 40th Birthday edition yearbook is the best yearbook to date! Nathalie and all the team did an amazing job and we are sure you will all love the results. We plan to purchase an AED ( Automated External Defibrilator ) for the school before the year end and other funds raised will be used to purchase items arriving in August ready for the new school year! We will take photos of all items purchased and display them on the PTA board in September. Thank you for all your support throughout the year. Remember that we are always happy to welcome new members no matter how little or how much time you can contribute, every little helps! If you have any ideas or input come along and join us next term! See you in September!

News from the school council:

As the year draws to a close, we reflect on another successful year for the School Council. We were lucky enough to meet Rachel from the BSPCA and handed her a giant cheque for nearly BD480 along with a large amount of cat and dog food. This is all down to you and your generosity so we thank you! We are looking forward to next year’s events including our annual Hallowe’en Disco, Festive Fair stall, BSPCA fundraiser, and our international charity event. If you’d like to be a member of the School Council next year please see Miss Kate or a member of the Council for more information! Thank you for a great year and happy holidays!

Sports Desk

This month has seen the conclusion of House sports tournaments. Throughout the year these tournaments have been played with tremendous spirit, commitment, and determination. The recent volleyball tournaments have been no exception and all students involved have showcased the wonderful skills learnt during their PE volleyball lessons. The final results of these tournaments will be revealed in an upcoming assembly, with trophies presented to the winners of year 3&4, the winners of year 5&6, and the overall House sports winners. In our current PE lessons, all students are taking part in our gymnastics and dance units. This is proving to be a great opportunity for students to express themselves and demonstrate individual and group creativity.

News from the Key Stages


Daring to do something different, or in a new way, is at the heart of creativity. Creative learning in early years involves investigating, discovering, inventing, and cooperating. Long uninterrupted periods of play allows children to pursue their own chosen goals, to experiment, and make links and connections between ideas and concepts. In EYFS we do believe that all children are creative. Children’s creativity is evident in their play when they become scientists, explorers or artists, and we do nurture their innate creativity by providing a stimulating and interesting environment that is open to explore


There is a common misconception that creativity can only be explored through the arts. However, it is possible to extend creativity into maths, English, science and the rest! Being creative means solving a problem in a new way. It means changing your perspective. Being creative means taking risks and ignoring doubt and facing fears. It means breaking with routine and doing something different for the sake of doing something different. Explore many different ways to be creative, think outside the box and see what you come up with.


Benjamin Franklin once said: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Hands-on learning is a great way to apply a creative twist to traditional styles of teaching and engage your children on a deeper level. Hands-on learning is a highly creative way of teaching which allows students to directly take on board and understand what is happening, or how to do something. This is a particularly successful way to teach kinaesthetic learners, who learn best by example. Key stage 2 have adopted a hands on teaching throughout the academic year, using concrete resources in maths lessons to enhance learning and also in a lot of English lessons. I encourage you to take a similar approach at home; allowing your children to explore and be creative will allow their minds to grow freely and without constraint.

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