A Room in Bloom… The Year 7 Transition by Ms Sarah
This is the first year in Nadeen’s history that we have had the privilege of seeing our students make the transition from primary to secondary. Having taught year 6 in Nadeen for the last 4 years, I have always wondered how our students have coped with this exciting life event. This year, my questions and wonders have been answered. I am so fortunate that my return from maternity leave has started within the year 7 cohort. Having taught most of them last year, I was delighted to hear I would be working with them again.
Jane Austen wrote ‘’Self-knowledge is the first step to maturity’’ and this is clearly evident in the year 7 classroom. The difference in the students is undoubtedly apparent. Firstly they are a whole lot taller! Being quite tall myself, I didn’t think I would ever experience the students catching up to me!
During our first English lesson, the level of sophisticated vocabulary and thinking behind their answers blew me away. The students could not only justify their thinking with clarity and conviction but could also support and encourage their classmates to do the same.
They have wholeheartedly embraced the workload of year 7- both in school and at home showing greater independence and responsibility for their learning.
It is wonderful to see their ‘student voice’ noted around the school through assemblies, website articles, the Nadeen news, presentations and participation in all school events.
Not only is this maturity noted in their academics but also in their social interactions with each other. When speaking to Yasmina, a year 7 pupil who has transitioned from year 6 in Nadeen, she said ‘’Year 7 has been a journey for me, not just academically but also socially. We have had the introduction of new concepts coupled with new experiences as friends, and it has been a challenging but enjoyable learning experience throughout my time in Secondary School so far.’’ Lola, a fellow year 7 student also added, ‘Year 6 was a year I learnt a lot of new things, but year 7 was the year I accomplished things. Year 7 is a journey for me in itself and I enjoy learning, socializing with my friends and continuing my journey through secondary school.’’
When looking at the current year 6’s in comparison, the year 7’s embody the skills and talents of mature young adults. Clearly, they have had an amazing two terms in year 7 so far and have been exceptional role models to other year groups in the school. I am really excited to see what comes next for this year group.
In the past, schools have always mentioned to us that they love taking on Nadeen’s students- for their Nadeen spirit and outgoing personalities that embody our 8Cs. It is wonderful to finally be able to hold onto these star students and their qualities. I have no doubt that this growth and progress will continue to be seen as they enter year 8. I am also excited to welcome back past pupils as they join our year 8 and 9 classes next year. It is sure to be an exciting year ahead in Nadeen!