Parent partnerships

Miss Abigail’s thought for the week: Parent Partnership

Our International Day celebrations have been so greatly enriched by support and participation of parents.  We have had stories shared, dances taught, national dishes prepared, languages learned, costumes made and cultures explored this week, in classes across the school from willing parent volunteers.  How amazing! And in today’s festivities we were, as always, simply overwhelmed by the variety, volume and deliciousness of the world food that was brought and sold.  The further demonstrations of dancing and music today – some planned, some beautifully ad hoc – really added to the flavour and spirit of the day.  Our wonderful PTA did us proud, yet again.

As a school, we really do feel blessed to have such an actively supportive and caring parent body and you bring so much to the life of our school, through involvement in great variety of ways.

There is a mountain of international research conducted over the last 30 years that shows that children whose parents involve themselves in school and their child’s schooling are more likely to do better, attend school regularly, have better social skills, behave better and adapt well to school.  The partnership between home and school is a vital ingredient in education and, while we don’t get it right all of the time, it is a partnership that we value deeply and want to continue developing here at Nadeen.  If you have suggestions about how to develop parent partnership at our school, or ways that we could help parents understand better what we do here, we are listening!