Miss Abigail’s thought for the week: Outside Learning
“Using the real world is the way learning has happened for 99.9% of human existence. Only in the last hundred years have we put it in a little box and called it a classroom.” (Will Nixon, 1997)
This beautiful weather has lured us all outside this week. A number of classes have been planting things in the garden (Nursery – carrots and radishes), year 2 – mung beans and black-eyed beans (see photo), year 5 – herbs and assorted vegetables (see photo)). Hopefully this means that in the not-too-distant future, we will be feasting…!
Lots of groups of children have been working outside as part of their lessons, many using our new chalkboard tables (see photo of year 4). We have had singing and presentations and poetry writing and critical thinking about see-saws – all in the beautiful fresh air.
We have a new ‘digging bed’ for our early years – a big patch of earth set aside for digging and finding beetles, or pirate treasure, or Australia (!), or for the simple pleasure of getting dirty!
I hope you will all be having adventures outside this weekend… (a Dojo point to the first person to show me a little treasure they discover on their weekend adventure!).