Nadeen School Fee Policy
Our School Fee Policy relates to all types of fees and is part of the admissions policy and termly re-registration rule (see 2.2 below). All parents agree to abide by this policy when they apply for a seat for their child at the school. School tuition fees and any required learning support fees are subject to approval and regulation by the Ministry of Education and the Directorate of Private Education. Tuition fees and any required learning support fees may be increased subject to Ministry of Education and Private Education Directorate approval. Invoices for tuition fees and any required learning support fees are issued electronically in all cases.
- The BD50 application fee is non-refundable and is payable when the application form is sent to the school.
- The BD100 registration fee is non-refundable and is payable within 72 hours of a place being offered, otherwise the offer will automatically be withdrawn.
- The BD50 testing fee is non-refundable and is required on the day of testing or in advance with the registration fee if the place is offered while the child is overseas.
- All fees must be paid on or before the due date on the invoice, in full.
- Failure to pay the tuition fees and any required learning support fees in full by the due date will indicate to the school that the place is no longer required and the place will be cancelled and offered elsewhere.
- It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that fees are paid on time and in full in order to secure their child’s seat.
- The school administration will send via email a notice of withdrawal to the parents in the event of non-payment of fees.
- Parents are responsible for the payment of school fees and the school will not become involved in the collection of school fees from companies. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that company payments are made to the school on time.
- Tuition Fees are paid three (3) times per academic year.
- Autumnfees cover September-December and are due in May.
- Springfees cover January-April and are due in December of the previous calendar year.
- Summerfees cover April-June/July and are due in March of the same calendar year.
- Families with fees owing on their account will not be readmitted in to the school for the following term –see point 2 above.
- Learning Support fees are invoiced per term according to each child’s specific needs where necessary. Where Learning Support is required, payment of Learning Support fees is mandatory in order to retain a child’s place within the school. See point 2 above.
- Note regarding Half Term:
In the event that a child has registered to join the school after the half term point, the registration, assessment, and half term fees will be payable.
In the event that a child will be leaving prior to or at the half term break, half term fees may be paid in advance by the parents and notice given to the school in writing at the time of payment that their child will be withdrawing at the half term point.
Point 1. and 2. in Point 5 above are the only cases whereby half-term or part fees will be accepted.
- Optional fees may include: School Trips; International School Trips; After School Activities and After School Care.
If, for any reason, there are fees owing when a child leaves the school, the school will withhold all leaving documentation and inform the relevant authorities accordingly.
- When unforeseen circumstances result in your child leaving the school before the beginning of term, a full refund of fees will be made providing the school has been notified, in writing, three (3) full calendar weeks before the beginning of term. This is deemed to be the first day back for the Senior Leadership Team for the Autumn Term.
- Term fees are payable in full, regardless of holiday, sickness, or absence, andno refund will be given except in point 1 above.
Fees must be paid in full by Bahraini Dinar cash or Bahraini Dinar cheque drawn from a local Bahraini bank
- Cheques for the fees should be made payable to Nadeen School and may be handed in at the office during school hours, or sent by mail, addressed to: Nadeen School, P.O. Box 26367, Adliya, Bahrain.
- Bank Transfer
details are as follows:
Account No. 100000377086
IBAN BH23BBKU00100000377086
Please note: it is imperative that you follow the steps listed below:
- Create transfer using above bank information.
our invoice number which can be found at the top left of our invoice (without this we may be unable to identify your payment and your child’s place may not be reserved for the next term).
- Once you have transferred the full amount, please email with a copy of the transfer or with a tracking reference number or similar identifying document/reference so that we can easily track/identify your payment.
Once we have received your payment we will note that your account is clear and issue a receipt.
Should you not receive a receipt within 10 days of sending your payment, please email to request further confirmation.
Credit card and debit cards are not available.
Payment of fees is verified with a school receipt. Parents are given a copy of their receipt immediately upon payment in the office and are expected to retain their receipts in the event of a payment dispute.