Mr. James Weekly Reflection
Dear Nadeen Family,
I hope this message finds you well and re-energised. As we dive into what we call Term 1.2, I want to take a moment to reaffirm our shared commitment to creating a learning environment that prioritises inclusive, meaningful opportunities and upholds high expectations for all. Together, we are nurturing strong connections between home and school, enhancing each learner’s experience while building a community focused on supporting every learner’s journey toward lifelong success – Tomorrow’s Mavericks. Our goal is to develop Global Citizens equipped with the confidence to embrace the world and all its opportunities.
At Nadeen, our vision is to foster the notion of holistic growth, supporting your children to be social. moral and environmentally responsible whilst encouraging them to find their identity, meaning, and purpose by connecting with their community, the natural world, and embracing personal and collective responsibility. Our mission is to provide a caring, nurturing, and empowering environment where every learner can learn and thrive. What does that mean to you?
You may have heard your children talk about our core Values, Attitudes, and Attributes (VAAs), like Empathy, Agility, and Hard Work. At home, I often discuss empathy with my daughter in terms of kindness, and it’s inspiring to see how deeply children connect with these concepts. Guided by High-Performance Learning (HPL) values and our Advanced Cognitive Performance Characteristics (ACPs), we aim to give our learners the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges with confidence, compassion, and resilience.
In line with these values, it is important that we continue to respect our school’s dress code. Bearing in mind Bahrain’s culture and our shared values, please ensure these guidelines are followed when you are onsite at Nadeen, as they reflect our mutual respect for local customs and traditions.
On a creative note, have you had a chance to view or take part in our Year 9 Art Obliteration Exhibition? It’s really quite awesome, and I am very thankful to Miss Rien for her hard work and vision in making it happen. The exhibition truly celebrates our learners’ creativity and the meaningful experiences we aim to provide.
Effective communication remains a top priority. While I love being part of the community and understanding life from a parent’s perspective, I receive a high volume of emails and may not be able to respond personally to each one. Our communication process starts with your child’s teacher, followed by the year leader, then phase leaders, and heads of Primary and Secondary. I am here if a matter needs further attention; you’re welcome to catch me in the mornings or at pick-up, and for longer conversations, please book an appointment through Hannah, my PA, so we can have the time needed.
As we continue our partnership to shape your children’s futures, I deeply value the collaboration between home and school. Together, with open communication and shared commitment, we can ensure every learner has the opportunity to succeed and thrive.
Thank you for your continued support.
#GrowTogetherThriveAsOne #Belonging #Thrive #WoLF #Obliteration #MoreThanASchool
Warmest regards,
Mr. James Batts
Nadeen School Principal