Empowering Learners Through Meta-Thinking at Nadeen School by Ms. Janine Walters, Ms. Rebecca Tutt and Mr. Kyle Lemmon
At Nadeen School we have delved into the HPL ACP Meta-thinking. Meta-thinking has four strands: Meta-cognition, Self-regulation, Strategy-planning and Intellectual Confidence. At its core, meta-thinking means analysing and developing how you think and learn. It is an ACP that hones in on a learner’s skills to reflect and grow as a learner. Across the school we have been focusing on this ACP throughout the month of September and there has been some fantastic learning going on that is underpinned by meta-thinking.
Year 2 has been exploring all four strands of Meta-thinking. They have practised mindfulness and explored various tools to support them to self-regulate. Across the curriculum they have implemented strategy-planning and meta-cognition thinking to delve deeper into the ‘whys’ of what they are learning. In English, they used strategy-planning to plan and publish a poem. In maths they utilised meta-cognition in their number work and chose the strategy that worked best for them.
“Self-regulation helps you deal with your emotions, you need this during your whole life.“
– by year 2 learner
In Upper Primary, Meta-thinking has been a focus of self regulation in assessing and reflecting our work particularly in Spelling, what went well and how could we improve this also applied to self-marking in maths, check-ins during the lesson in science to note what we need to work on. We also had a lot of time to strategy-plan when selecting a spelling strategy that worked for the individual learners and planning for a science experiment. We have used a lot of intellectual confidence to explain our thinking and understanding of our topics. I have attached some pictures to show meta-thinking.
“Strategy planning gives you more intellectual confidence to know you have done something right.“
– by year 2 learner

Learners are using drama as a way to share intellectual confidence about seed dispersal in Science.
Self regulating by being aware of the mistakes made and acting on them to improve their sequencing. Listening to others and justifying their intellectual confidence with evidence.
In PE lessons, learners have been using meta-thinking strategies through a variety of different sports. In secondary, our learners have been using self-regulation during their volleyball lessons to monitor, evaluate and self-correct their setting and bumping skills to enable them to develop these skills and use them in matches. This has seen our learners develop these skills quickly and understand the benefits of performing the skills correctly. In Primary, learners have been using strategy-planning during their basketball matches, looking at the best ways to attack and defend in order to be successful in game situations. This ability to take new experiences and adapt their knowledge of attacking and defending has helped learners develop their understanding of matchplay and how to be successful in games.
“Meta-thinking is so important in all aspects of your life. It helps you figure out how things work which helps your learning!“
– by year 2 learner